Vitamin C high dose

Inhibits tumor growth, alleviates side effects in cancer therapy

Vitamin C high dose - Infusion

Vitamin C is an essential vital and nutrient that our body, unlike many animals, cannot produce on its own. We have to absorb vitamin C (chemically called ascorbic acid) through our food. Since this is hardly possible in today’s time of denaturing our “food”, many people resort to food supplements in tablet, powder or capsule form. For example, the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends that a woman should take approx. 95 mg and a man 110 mg of the micronutrient. Although this is a start, from a therapeutic point of view this amount is hardly sufficient to be of significant health-promoting benefit. Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize winner and father of high-dose vitamin C therapy, recommended as early as the 1970s that an adult person should consume at least 12 grams of vitamin C daily. Vitamin C is essential for the functioning of numerous metabolic processes such as the hormonal and nervous systems and fat metabolism. It serves our bone and connective tissue and is just as essential for our immune system. Vitamin C also acts as a radical scavenger and protects our cells from harmful and disease-promoting substances.

But of course, the oral intake of vitamin C is not enough to treat many serious diseases. Especially when there is a reduced absorption capacity of vitamin C in the gastrointestinal tract, therapeutically effective vitamin C levels can only be achieved by injection or infusion. Only by administering liquid vitamin C can the nutrient reach all destinations in the human organism directly via infusions.

Vitamin C high dosage in cancer therapy

In order to damage cancer cells, in holistic, biological cancer treatment we use the pro-oxidative effect of very high doses of vitamin C in the 30 – 100 gram range, with which tumor cells are destroyed but healthy cells are not affected. Cancer patients have been shown to have particularly low vitamin C levels, which are further enhanced by aggressive radiation treatments and also by chemotherapy. It is only through this high dose of 30-100 grams, administered by infusion into the vein, that vitamin C acts as a pro-oxidant, thereby damaging the cancer cells – and only these cells. Low-dose vitamin C (e.g. 7.5 grams) does not have this property.

Many patients report a lasting improvement in their general condition after only a few vitamin C infusions. Incidentally, the aforementioned double Nobel Prize winner (Chemistry, Peace) Linus Pauling was able to demonstrate the medical influence and success of vitamin C in patients with cancer as early as 1976.